Alcott is a powerful man shrouded in mystery.
We don’t know where he comes from or who employs him, but one day, he just shows up on Tyler’s porch at his cabin in Austria with an offer that Tyler can’t refuse. At the behest of Tyler’s ex-wife Mia, Alcott offers Tyler the opportunity to extract Mia’s sister Ketevan and her two children from Tkachiri Prison in Georgia. In his trademark snarky manner, Alcott refers to Tyler as the myth of Mumbai, as the legend who got the journalist out of Congo, and the guy who took down the two gangs to save the mayor of Rio.At the end of the film, Alcott asserts his power and manages to free Tyler and Nik from Austrian prison. And, in line with his mysterious and cryptic nature, he tells Tyler at the end of the film that he would like for him to meet the man that he works for.
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